ciccio bomba cannoniere

A 9 track electro album (25m 6s) — released November 1st 2024 on Drowned By Locals

ciccio bomba cannoniere (chunky monkey)

Is the sound weapon of the A-zienda rthz, illustrated by the render called M.E.R.I.C.O.O. (Erect, rechargeable intelligent machine with organic dog) This project of a definitive media A-ssailant presents all the necessary elements for the domination of social hierarchies:

trace of a human face for identification

a stalker server for omnipresence in digital field

a system of locomotion for moving in any field

a genetically modified dog for keeping counterfeiters away

comfy clothes and an M60 around the neck

The name derives from an A-ncestor rthz called Merico. Police officer who in the late 1800s left a tavern and rode on the back of his mule Cina with the objective of stopping a train so that he could light his cigar. And this happened. Merico was then tried and dishonourably discharged.

- rathauz, translated from Italian -


"*WARNING In my research for this piece I downloaded an app I found buried in the press release, drove around an airfield as a wolfman with a rifle, then unlocked a wrestling concept album on Youtube by jumping towards the light, became a subscriber for 20 Euros a year to get access to exclusive content and almost bought 5 grams of dirt harvested from the area surrounding the Rathauz studio.*

ciccio bomba cannoniere is a gateway drug, a gateway into the cybernetic multimedia cvlt of Rathauz.

And while a physical release might run counter to the insanely futuristic drive of the Rathauz, it's probably the album of the year so buckle up.

For the uninitiated the A side might play out like merely the best goddam side of actually fun techno you've heard in 2020s. Rollicking acidic galompers. Tbh most techno can get in the bin these days but this swinging evil continuum championed by Acidic Male / Giant Swan / Missterspoon is more than right by us. Rathauz add internet dial up noises, reggaeton shuffle, distorted screams and frayed EBM arps into this heady heady mix, showing they're about twice as interesting as the top 10 techno on Bandcamp already. Seriously RA would be creaming themselves to hit the recommend button if they could grow a spine in the office between them.

But THEN side B gets rolling with boom baps and distorted guitars in a kinda frat-trap circle pit. This is the sound online Rathauz disciples know and love; electro-punk-trap-pop twisted genius. Their scifi vision and demented humour reminds us most closely of our beloved Kinlaw & Franco Franco if Franco had spent more time living in Milanese squats. Policepunk=S.W.A.T. is classic anarcho scuzz hxc on speed and trap and.....maybe Show Me The Body albums and not enough sleep. Venetia-monitor rips off the riff to Smells Like Teen Spirit in glorious MIDI chaos. TLC is the most fun you can have in 2 minutes.

After listening we have only one question: WHERE ARE THE TECHNO PUNX MAKING ACTUAL FUCKING PUNK EH? And why not do it on the same album?

Cos you are never gonna get to crowdsurf at Tresor, kid. The bouncers will make you disappear and you WILL miss your flight back to Kansas.

God bless Drowned By Locals.

Vinyl with printed sleeve (with the best art you've probably ever seen)."

- Miles Opland, RWDFWD -


A-Biography (translated from Italian)

RAT is the surname HAUZ is the survival place, we make house music in the municipality of the web like the pharmaceutical industry.

Rathauz is the A-zienda or company that produces perceptible frequencies from its works in reinforced concrete located in a farming plot forever ploughed and fertilised, the whole area surrounded by barbed wire. You can visit the works through A-ndroid A-pplication A-zugo ( ). Its workers have been embedded into the factory's walls and their names disappear absorbed in the structure. When they A-ppear they always wear their A-gro wear; wrestler shirts (emblems of expository hyperreality). In their productions they insert their singular individuality and relativistic abilities merging into a single quantum machine. They are the perfect emblem of the band: two brothers who share blood (A-), surname (Rat) and produce frequencies made at home (house music) but are almost always in conflict. Often during the A-ssembling of the frequencies they A-ttack each other as was reconstructed in WRESTLA-live, each product is then a derivation of a complex human skimming. Rathauz is focused A-utonomously on the primary sector, secondary, tertiary everything in the quaternary. They sow, grow, distil, peddle and often are the first consumers of the complexity of the material, creating their own A-utarchic world. They compete with other international labels but while those are associations made of many identities with different styles (the many Artists), Rathauz is the assembly of any frequential style recast by a single unique A-rtistic individualism, which has to overcome such role becoming the inhumane machine that produces and exports. The A-zienda only exists in relation to the A-utoproduction of the media, everything is developed only by the two laboratories. Both have productive activities in full with their identifiable subjective relativisms and these are not secondary but coexistent with the A-zienda A-ctivity. While the single A-'s (both laboratories with their own identities) work in a global context, Rathauz is simultaneously and exclusively dedicated to the cultural, media and technological development of the Italian state. This doesn't mean productions are inferior or superior but of a certain quality that differs from the products of individuals. The themes of both representatives in their individualistic projects are the visions of two Europeans squashed by imported capitalism and globalisation while Rathauz gathers the traditions and cultural movements of a particular region of Italy, Veneto, under the influence and the techniques of an imported capitalism and globalisation. Either when displaying their individual identities and when they act as the A-zienda, they confront a global context, but if they happen to emerge with their individualism of relative beings on the sea of international connection, the A-zienda is always the maker of a locally defined product, precise and calculated, which does not deny the inspiration but refines it to the limits of incomprehensible complexity. The A-zienda is a company that produces product (a metaphor for the identity of any artist under a label) but ultimately being the A-rtist as well, there are no thematic links or expressive limits, that is within the view of Italian cultural implantation in many demographic A-spects. The name Rathauz is the union of two concepts rat and hauz as A-forementioned, and yet the Anglosaxon A-nti-Italian sound that emerges recalls the great capitalist Corporations. Before launching the project Rathauz we had to clear the road as Rat-truppen. We fought club after club, we broke moulds with too-powerful basses, moshing where it was previously culturally inadmissible (only white shirts). With our dj-sets we imported the sound textures that later became the culture that "A-cquired value". Rathauz and many like it. As we moved from record to record many evenings a week we continued to produce a sound material yet to be emitted and which later contributed to lay the groundwork for the stable A-zienda. The first A-bsolute A-lbum we produced was in *2003 "Music Fear" (both laboratories had 8 and 12 years respectively) and this was the real starting point seeped in electronic textures, house and Drum'nBass and you can hear a first example of modern Base Trap, where we created a rap beat with a horror sample and used a distorted kick.


Usually as in the case of track 3030 (which deserves pages of in-depth A-nalysis), the sound is not only the basis but it is linked to the themes of production and later happened to become a sound standard as in the case of hdma where the distorted bass we came up with was an emulation of the stereo system at maximum volume of A- friend's car.

Original text by rathauz:

ciccio bomba cannoniere

È l'arma sonora dell'A-zienda rthz, illustrata con il render di M.E.R.I.C.C.O. (Macchina, eretta, ricaricabile, intelligente con cane organico). Questo progetto di definitivo A-ssaltatore mediatico presenta tutti gli elementi necessari alla dominazione delle gerarchie sociali:

  • parvenza di viso umano per l'identificazione

  • Uno stalker server per l'onnipresenza su campo digitale

  • Un sitema di locomozione per muoversi su ogni campo

  • Un cane geneticamente modificato per non lasciare avvicinare alteratori

  • Abiti comodi e al collo un M60

Il nome deriva da un A-ntenato rthz chiamato Merico. Carabiniere che a fine '800 uscì dall'osteria e salì in groppa della sua cavalla Cina con l'obbiettivo di fermare un treno per farsi accendere un sigaro. E ciò avvenne. Merico fu poi processato e congedato con disonore.


"Ing: RAT is the surname HAUZ is the survival place, we make house music in the municipio della rete like the industrie farmaceutiche."

Rathauz è l'A-zienda che produce frequenze percepibili dal suo stabilimento in cemento armato situato in un campo agricolo perennemente arato e concimato, tutta l'area è circondata da filo

spinato. E' possibile visitare lo stabilimento tramite l'A-pplicazione per Android A-zugo ( I lavoratori sono stati inglobati

nelle pareti della fabbrica e i loro nomi singoli scompaiono assorbiti dalla struttura. QuandoA-ppaiono indossano sempre la loro divisaAziendale; maglie di wrestler (emblema dell'iperrealtà espositiva). Nelle produzioni inseriscono le loro singole individualità e le loro relativistiche abilità fondendosi in un unica macchina quantica. Sono l'emblema perfetto della band: due fratelli che condividono sangue (A-), cognome (Rat) e producono frequenze fatte in casa (house music) ma sono quasi sempre in contrasto. Spesso durante l'A-ssemblamento frequenziale fannoA-botte come è stato ricostruito in WRESTLA-live, ogni prodotto è quindi derivazione di una complessa scrematura umana. Rathauz si occupa in modoA-utonomo del settore primario, secondario, terziario tutto nel quaternario. Coltivano, lavorano, raffinano, smerciano e spesso ne sono i primi fruitori data la complessità del materiale, creando il loro mondoA-parte. Competono con le altre etichette internazionali ma mentre esse sono associazioni con all'interno più identità con diversi stili separati tra loro ( i vari Artisti), Rathauz è l'assemblamento di qualsiasi stile frequenziale rielaborato da un solo ed unico individualismoA-rtista, che deve superare tale ruolo diventando anche l'inumana macchina che produce ed esporta. L'A-zienda esiste solo in base all'A-utoproduzione dei media, tutto viene svolto solo dai due lavoratori. Essi hanno entrambi attività produttive in proprio con i i loro relativismi soggettivi identificabili e tali non sono secondarie ma coesistenti all'A-ttività A-ziendale. Mentre i singoliA-( i due lavoratori con le proprie identità) lavorano in contesto globale, rathauz è parallelamente e prettamente dedito allo sviluppo culturale, mediatico e tecnologico dello stato Italiano. Ciò non significa che le produzioni siano inferiori o superiori ma di un certo tipo di qualità che risulta differente dai prodotti dei singoli. Le tematiche dei due esponenti nei loro individualistici progetti sono la visione di due europei pressati da un capitalismo e un globalizzazione importata mentre Rathauz raccoglie le tradizioni i movimenti culturali di una determinata regione d'Italia, Veneto, sotto l'influsso e le tecniche di un capitalismo e una globalizzazione importata. Sia quando hanno le loro identità singole che quando sono l'A-zienda si confrontano con un contesto globale ma se in un caso emergono con il loro individualismo di essere relativo a galla nel mare della connessione internazionale, l'A-zienda è sempre fautrice di un prodotto localmente definito, preciso e calcolato che non nega l'ispirazione ma la raffina a limiti di incomprensibile complessità. L'Azienda è un'azienda che produce prodotti (metafora dell'identità di qualsiasi artista in una etichetta) ma essendo comunque direttamente anche l'A-rtista non vi sono vincoli di tematiche o limiti espressivi, sempre però nell'ottica dell'implentazione culturale italiana in variAspetti demografici. Il nome Rathauz é unione di due concetti rat e hauz come giàA-ffermato prima, tuttavia il suono AnglosassoneA-ntItaliano che emerge richiama le grandi Corporation capitalistiche. Prima di avviare il progetto Rathauz Abbiamo dovuto spianare la strada come Rattruppen. Abbiamo combattuto club per club, rotto impianti per via di bassi troppo potenti, pogato in luoghi dove prima era culturalmente inammissibile (solo camicie bianche). Con i nostri dj-set abbiamo importato le sonorità che poi sono divenute la cultura che ha potuto "Apprezzare" Rathauz e vari simili. Mentre ci muovevamo di disco in disco facendo varie serate ogni settimana continuavamo a produrre materiale sonoro tutt'ora non rilasciato che ha contribuito poi a fornire le fondamenta dallo stabileA-ziendale. Il primoA-lbum inA-ssoluto che abbiamo prodotto è stato nel *2003 "Music Fear" (i due lavoratori avevano rispettivamente 8 e 12 anni) ed è stato il primo vero punto di partenza in quanto in mezzo a sonorità elettroniche, house e Drum'nBass si può ascoltare un primo esempio di Base Trap moderna, dove abbiamo creato un beat rap con un campionamento horror e usato kick distorti.


Spesso come nel caso della traccia 3030 (che meriterebbe pagine diApprofondimento), il suono non è solo base ma legato alle tematiche della produzione e poi casualmente diviene culturalmente uno standard sonoro come nel caso hdma dove il basso distorto che abbiamo ideato era un'emulazione delle stereo a volume estremo dell'auto di un nostroA-mico.

Erect, rechargeable intelligent machine with organic dog’ – that’s not your weirdo neighbour, it’s the humanoid ‘M.E.R.I.C.O.O.’ gracing the cover of rathauz’ new record: ciccio bomba cannoniere. This awful contender looks like Sir Killalot’s hard older brother, complete with a cyclops doberman. He’s got a kebab for a head, he’s clutching a weapon, and he’s accessorised with a fetching crown of barbed wire. The LP he’s guarding for the Venetian techno-trap-thrashers is unpretentious, confrontational, and compulsive. ... In the electronic tracks that kick the album off, there are a few different skeletons that rathauz costume in their video-nasty sonics. ‘Stahlwerk’ is a frantic 140 techno workout, while ‘NUDNC’ brings the tempo down to emphasise a malevolent horror-house groove. Jabbering acid lines chat away with what sounds like a circuit-bent Tickle-Me-Elmo being stamped on repeatedly to deliver a chilling, robotic suffer-rap. ... This grizzly second half is where the vocal performances come into their own. Early in the record they’re ominous – spooky even – but as the album progresses with a more fuzzed-up bite for backup they’re a commanding presence. ‘Venetia-monitor’s guitar line feels like a riff illicitly drained from Nirvana’s Nevermind with a giant needle, transmogrified into MIDI, and played back through a stack of bargain bin flangers. Like Nirvana, rathauz use contrasting dynamics effectively – even if their ‘quiet’ sections are punctuated with samples of human screams and heckling crows. ... To conclude this review I’ll make like Pete Seeger and ask: which side are you on? Thrash-metal rebels or despicable techno punters? Either way, one toe out of line and you’ll face a disciplinary from the terrible gent and his one-eyed dog. - Bertie Coyle INTERNATIONAL ORANGE

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